Sunday, October 2

Day 5 - a photo with 3 reasons why

This is a slight cheat on my part! This is a photo of my desk area/work space with all the bits and clutter that I like to surround myself with. Strange to think that while surrounded by toys and other odd bits I was able to write some quite heavy political essays for my degree!

But the really important piece is the little boy in the green suit with the yellow hair - he's the Little Prince, for those of you that have never read it go and get a copy IMMEDIATELY! No adult should go through life not reading it at least once. So these are my three reasons for including him by taking some of his words from the book:

1. It is tiresome for children to have to keep explaining things to adults

2. It is truly useful since it is beautiful

3. One sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes

I have given copies over the years to many, many people - some are able to understand it but others merely think it a children's book which is a shame because it is those people that could benefit most from it but as he says it is tiresome for children to have to keep explaining things to adults.